A mother’s love
When Michelle Vogrinec’s son Joshua was born, she found that almost everything she tried on his skin caused irritation and eczema. Even the natural ones made his skin worse. At the time, she was told cortisone treatment was her only option … so she decided she would find a better, more natural solution.
And she did.
She developed GAIA natural baby – naturally derived skin care, combined with organic ingredients, specifically targeted to be moisturising and free from those ingredients that are known to irritate sensitive skin, making it eczema friendly.

What makes GAIA different?
GAIA’s mission is to provide a brand that parents can trust…
…a brand that uses high quality ‘green and clean’ products and is available everywhere in the country without the high price tag normally associated with natural and organic products.

BabyNest says ...
“BabyNest chooses the GAIA brand because the ingredients are well researched and sourced through reputable companies and suppliers that provide high quality goods and have proven certification certificates assuring us and you of their purity.
GAIA products are a beautiful, natural and affordable way to care for your baby’s, and your family’s, skin.”