MAM Anti Colic Sample Bottle – 130ml

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• Can be sterilized in the microwave in just 3 minutes.
• Wide openings and 5 parts make for easy cleaning.
• The MAM Ultra Soft Silicone Nipple makes for an easy switch between breastfeeding and bottle-feeding.
• Mother and Baby Award for Best Baby Bottle.
• Base ventilation for smooth milk flow.
• Base ventilation systems provides a smooth milk flow which reduces air swallowed by baby gas and burps.
• Comes with a slow flow nipple.
• Available in a single pack, double pack or triple pack.
• Removable plastic cap helps keep nipple clean when not in use and features measurement tick marks.


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MAM Anti Colic Sample Bottle – 130ml

MAM Anti Colic bottles now have a new self-sterilising feature. Three minutes in the microwave and they are ready to use no need for a sterilizer. Stir thoroughly after heating to evenly distribute heat. Allow the standing time recommended by the microwave manufacturer. Wrap cloth or towel around the bottom of a bottle and shake to absorb any excess water after warming in a bottle warmer or boiling water. Place in a bottle warmer under hot running water or in a container of water. MAM bottles breastfeeding Teats are available in four sizes according to their ages and bottles are also available in three sizes: 130ml, 160ml and 260ml. This encourages a natural suckling action just like during breastfeeding making the switch between Mum and MAM easy. Babies enjoy feeding on the Anti Colic bottle because the bottle ensures that the feed flows smoothly. This means that babies don’t swallow any air and colic is reduced. Whether on holiday or visiting friends, the smart Anti Colic bottle is ready for use.
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Weight .110 kg
Dimensions 8 × 8 × 17 cm

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BabyNest Product Reviews

Fantastic place to purchase from. Shipping was super quick and they were great to deal with � MAM Anti-colic bottles are fantastic and Baby Nest was the perfect place to buy our replacement pieces when we couldnt get them anywhere else

-Fantastic place to purchase from. Shipping was super quick and they were great to deal with � MAM Anti-colic bottles are fantastic and Baby Nest was the perfect place to buy our replacement pieces when we couldnt get them anywhere else, 28/08/2018

Excellent: I absolutely love my MAM anti-colic bottles! They have been great for colic and I love that I can sterilise them anywhere and not have to worry about there being a steriliser available. I did have an issue with one of my teats but mam customer service were great and very kindly replaced it (very quickly aswell!)

-Alecia_Scott, 27/06/2014

Perfect bottles for a baby who will not take bottles at all. These bottles are definitely worth using on your child. Breastfeeding is great and these bottles are so fantastic to have while I’m not home to feed. The size is very suitable to babies and the teat is so soothing for my child.

-Veta Lazaridis , 28/03/2018