MAM Microwave Steriliser – 1 Pack

or 4 payments of $16.25 with Afterpay

Especially suitable for the sterilisation of all MAM bottles, teats and other baby products. For microwave and cold water sterilisation.

Key Features:
• Sterilises up to 6 bottles in 5 minutes.
• Products stay disinfected for up to 48 hours if stored in the closed steriliser.
• Large capacity on 2 levels.
• With draining function.
• Fits the majority of microwaves.
• Diameter: 28cm / Height: 165cm (65 inch).
• Suitable for cold water sterilisation.
• Teat tongs for hygienic assembly of products included.
• Featuring 1 x 160ml – Easy Start TM AntiColic bottle unisex.


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SKU: 9380 Categories: ,

MAM Microwave Steriliser – 1 Pack

The MAM Microwave Steam Steriliser is a six bottle steriliser that can also be used for cold water sterilisation. It’s compact and easy to use but you could find it takes longer than the advertised four minutes to sterilise depending on your microwave.
For such a compact design, I was surprised that the MAM can fit up to six bottles inside plus lids teats and other bits. And although it’s designed for MAM bottles I found that it coped just as well with AVENT and Dr Brown’s bottles too.
The steriliser is extremely easy to use, just chuck water into the level indicated in the bottom and throw the bottles and other bits in. Other sterilisers require you to stand the bottles up which is time-consuming and time is what you’re short of with a baby.

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I’m glad my sister recommended me Babynest. The best website to buy mam products for fast shipping! Very easy and user friendly website.

-vicky, 03/06/2015